понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cloud 9 shuttle lax

Awoken from my sleep by the AvengedSevenfold Bat Country ring tone,
I pulled myself out of bed groggily and headed towards my bathroom.
It was a hectic morning as usual, with many thoughts playing through my mind.
Thoughts of studies,
Thoughts of freedom,
Thoughts of you.
"How well this day started off" I mused.
With my cell phone blaring rock music
that are loud enough to render anyone deaf.

Alright, it is time to say goodbye.
Till then shall we meet and exchange rueful looks,
wistful for another chance to redeem myself

dance history timeline, cloud 9 shuttle lax, cloud 9 shuttle san diego.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fox 24 episodes

:"D I started on my third chapter of the written work for my practice manga a few minutes ago, and Iapos;m getting so very happy with it as it goes on. Iapos;m not going to lie, the first chapter sucks epicly and I need to revise and rewrite how it goes about, but the second one... Oh god, it was beautiful. I can see most of the story in my head now, so the drawing part shouldnapos;t be far off.

The thing is that Iapos;m going to start drawing it after I finish writing my first arc, rewrites and all. I think the first arc is only going to be twenty chapters though... Longass chapters to draw but only like four or five pages to write. Even though I know the first arc is uber important for plot devices and introducing the main characters I really canapos;t wait for it to end, because the second one is going to be seriously epic.

fast payday, fox 24 episodes, fox 24 episodes download, fox 24 forum, fox 24 forums.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

feria del libro madrid 2005

I planned on taking a shower and then heading to bed, but that plan didnapos;t work.� Itapos;s 12:53 and Crossfade is pounding into my eardrums. I have no idea how to put how I feel or whatapos;s bothering me right now into this entry. Things are so scattered, and I am unable to get everything in place. Iapos;m getting worse at hiding my feelings in public. Yesterday at the fundraiser, I bawled like a little baby in front of everyone. But of course they didnapos;t notice, I put my face inside my shirt and said I was just tired. They fell for it, thank god.� My family says mean things, yet I�take them seriously. They donapos;t know what iapos;m hiding underneath my skin. I know other people have it worse then me. I hate complaing like this, so I guess I could talk about something else- Aaron Gordon, perhaps?

As of yesterday, I can call him mine. Whether this is with roleplaying or real, iapos;m trying to not mess it up. I feel so much pressure to make him happy, I�feel as if it is pounding on my shoulders. I know how fragile he is, I just- I want to make him brighter. Elena seems to be doing a good job at it. Her words flow so perfectly. And she finds the right words to say to him- the words I have been searching for for months now. I wish I could say the right words that mean something. Something he understands. He is beyond what I want, what I need. I want him here next to me so I wrap my arms around him and maybe the right words will come out of my mouth. I need my lips on his, and maybe thatapos;s all that would need to be said. My body is yearning for his hands cupping my face, telling me he is here and that he will take me away from everything that is causing me pain here.

� I should stop before I sound more pathetic than I feel. The rest of what I want to say is going to Kaelyn right now. Iapos;m more than happy to have her in my life. My eyelids are finally feeling heavy. I guess this is all.

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domain name registration service

Kay, so instead of being stressed about the fact that adobe connect is still down (oh the woes of being technologically "advanced" as they call it), I decided that studying for a while was a good idea, and then today I took a break for a few hours and went and visited the kitties at PetSmart, because I saw one there yesterday when I was buying Hannahapos;s food that I really wanted to snuggle with. She is a calico except where most calicos are black, she is tiger striped. And you know how I feel about tiger cats. And her eyes are amazing. They are the color of autumn leaves - that super light brown. God sheapos;s pretty. Anyway, so they call her "juliette". Except thatapos;s not her name. She told me her name is Penny, which fits her better anyway. So I went to petsmart and had a conversation with her for about an hour. Just petted her and talked to her. Told her about Laz, and how he had been pure tiger cat, but how much heapos;d have liked her. She did a lot of purr-cuddle therapy with me, which I sorely needed. The lady there was her foster mom, and I advised her of what Penny had told me about her name. The polar bear was very emotional when he met Penny. He tried talking to her, but had to leave the room and go shop for a while, because apparently she spoke to him, and he wasnapos;t ready for it.

So we didnapos;t come home with Penny, which is fine. I didnapos;t go to take her home. I just wanted to tell her how pretty she was. But it was a step in a good direction for the Polar Bear. Laz made me promise that I wouldnapos;t let him go *too* long without a tiger cat. Itapos;s only been 10 days, and heapos;s not anywhere near ready to move on yet, which is fine. But when we got home, he cleaned off Lazapos;s bed, and talked about Penny, and what a good cat she was. So weapos;re getting there.

So I have been studying since I got home, and there have been a couple of sets of words that Iapos;ve run into that I need mnemonics for. Maybe you can help me? (Mnemonics are what we used in music when we were kids, remember? Instead of just remember EGBDF, we remembered Every Good Boy Does Fine. And instead of remembering ECAF, we remembered FACE. Those are different types of mnemonics)

The first set of letters that I need a mnemoic for is: AERALR. For this one, itapos;s very important that the order remains AERALR.

The second set of letters that I need a mnemonic for is: DBFZVAVH. It is NOT important that this one stay in any order whatsoever.

And the third set (so far) that I need help with is: CIPIMTOIIT. It is NOT important that this one stay in any order whatsoever.

Thanks :)

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equipment justification sample treatment wastewater

I like to eat, and I love good food. I also like cheap food. :) So I was ecstatic when I discovered a local sandwich shop early in the summer. Cheap food, great sandwiches, KILLER macaroni salad, good portions, and a very nice couple behind the counter.

I went there today to get some lunch. The doors were locked.

On the window was a sign: "Due to financial difficulties, The Daily Bread will close its doors on October 17, 2008. There is apparently no apos;bail outapos; for small business." I think there was a thank you to loyal customers, too.

Iapos;d always known business there slacked off dramatically after lunch hours. I tend not to even wake up until 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and if I go out for food mdash; I donapos;t always mdash; itapos;s not usually until 4 or so. And The Daily Bread was, without exception, dead by then. They had to cut their hours from closing at 6 to closing at 4, which made it difficult for me to go there at all. But I hadnapos;t realized things there were quite this bad.

Iapos;ll miss them. Iapos;ll miss the food, and Iapos;ll even miss the people. Iapos;m always a little sad when I see a small business go under; someone put their heart and soul into that place and wanted to make a go of it. Itapos;s even worse when itapos;s a small business Iapos;ve patronized many times and really enjoyed, run by people that were barely a step or two away from being friends.


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

de activated rifles

Top Ten Messages Left On Joe The Plumberapos;s Answering Machine
10. "Hey, heard you mentioned in the debate. Now can you come over and get the hairball out of my drain?"
9. "Joe Six Pack calling; what are you trying to pull?"
8. "Sorry, wrong number. I was looking for Larry the Cable Guy"
7. "Dude -- did you get to meet Fannie Mae?"
6. "This is Sarah Palin, do you consider yourself a maverick plumber?"
5. "You had a better night than Joe the Dodgersapos; manager."
4. "This is Bob Schieffer. Hijack one of my debates again and Iapos;ll bust your kneecaps with a pipe wrench."
3. "Joe, you gotta get a copy of this Late Show Fun Facts book -- itapos;s hilarious"
2. "Itapos;s Brian from The Late Show, are you available tonight if McCain cancels?"
1. "Itapos;s Madonna, are you seeing anybody?"
de activated rifles, de activated guns, de activated firearms, de activated ak47.